In a context where businesses must meet increasing sustainability requirements, stormwater management has become a critical issue. Revalio, an expert in sustainable solutions, recently conducted an in-depth study at La Plaine Chassart, a rapidly expanding horticultural company facing the need to manage rainwater effectively while complying with regional regulations.
A Rigorous and Personalized Method
The study conducted by Revalio focused on three main areas:
Risk Analysis and Geographical Constraints: Revalio first assessed flood risks and the presence of karst zones by relying on detailed geological data. This initial analysis allowed for the mapping of risk zones and the adjustment of infrastructure projects according to the natural and regulatory constraints of the site.
Sizing of Infiltration and Retention Structures: Based on infiltration tests conducted in partnership with the specialist RSK, Revalio determined soil permeability and sized the infiltration and retention structures capable of managing stormwater runoff. The precise sizing of these structures ensures optimal water flow management, avoiding the overload of watercourses and drainage systems while maximizing groundwater recharge.
Rainwater Reuse: Revalio also explored options for reusing rainwater for non-potable purposes on the site, such as irrigation and infrastructure cleaning. This approach not only reduces the consumption of potable water but also optimizes the use of water resources while adhering to sustainability principles.
Revalio: A Trusted Partner
In Belgium, every urban planning permit must be accompanied by an integrated stormwater management study. Revalio goes beyond providing high-level technical expertise. The company also supports its clients in discussions with public authorities and agencies, such as the Soil Protection Directorate of the Walloon Region. This assistance ensures that projects comply with all applicable regulations while streamlining the approval processes.
With its sharp expertise and in-depth knowledge of local regulations, Revalio stands out for its ability to offer tailor-made solutions that meet each client's specific needs. By partnering with Revalio, businesses benefit from a rigorous and environmentally respectful approach, ensuring the compliance, sustainability, and resilience of their water management projects.
« We are very satisfied with Revalio's support in the integrated management of our stormwater. Their expertise was essential, both in the sizing of infiltration and storage structures, and in the reuse of rainwater. Their conclusions and recommendations will enable us to secure the urban planning permit for our new buildings at La Plaine-Chassart. » Olivier Rossey - Deputy Director - ESPACE CHASSART S.A